What Is One Thing You Cannot Live Without?

Monday 3 October 2016
Often, or frequently if we’re being honest, I suffer from writer's block. It is something that I’m sure every writer struggles with. I think I would classify it more as writers anxiety than writer's block. There are often times that I have so many ideas that I don’t know where to start. I’ve wanted to start posting more frequently but struggle to fall into a writing routine. I started seeing posts about blogtober and decided this would be a great challenge for me. It will get me in the habit of writing more frequently as well as helping me become more organised with my blog. It tends to take a back seat to my two jobs, training, and pup. I truly enjoy writing and taking pictures so I would like to start taking it more seriously.

What is One Thing You Cannot Live Without?

When I first saw this prompt my initial thought was “oh hey this will be an easy one”. The more thought I put into answering the question, the more difficult it became. There are so many ways answering this question can be approached: survival, materialistic, emotional, support, etc. Out of everything in my life, how can I narrow it down to one answer?

Without hesitation, my initial thought was that I could not live without my dog. To some, this may sound like an incredibly odd answer. How could a dog be that important to a person? Clearly, you’ve never met Archer. This pup acts more like a toddler than most toddlers and he is incredibly perceptive on others emotions. There is more personality bundled up into this 11kg border collie x whippet than most people have in their pinky toe. He’s been in my life over a year now and I couldn’t be happier to have rescued him from the pound.

But as I pondered a bit more, I found that other ideas started to pop into my head. What foods could I not live without? What people could I not live without? What electronic device could I live without? The list goes on and on. I thought it might be interesting to share some:

What is one food you cannot live without? Mexican food. Yes, I’m lumping an entire culture's food into one group but it is literally my go to cooking. My housemates often comment about my obsession with Mexican food simply because when I do not know what to cook, I normally cook something Mexican. Or maybe I would say cheese. I would probably give up an arm before giving up cheese.

What is one electronic device you cannot live without? My cellphone. I literally can get anything done on my phone. I have apps downloaded that help with my blog, entertainment, work, etc. Having a phone is incredibly helpful.

What is one drink you cannot live without? WINE! Oh, the fruit of the gods. I am a firm believer that wine can fix anything.

What is one piece of clothing you cannot live without? Yoga pants/leggings. I don’t give a f*ck what people say, YES they do qualify as pants. And YES, I will wear them out whenever I feel like it. It has always boggled my mind that some girls every day can walk out of the house with perfect nails, perfect hair, perfect makeup, all dolled up with heels and I have an incredibly hard time committing to pants. I do give those girls heaps of credit, though.

What is the one makeup product you cannot live without? Mascara. Being a natural blonde means that without mascara it kind of looks like I have zero eyelashes. Truth be told, most foundations cause me to break out so el natural on my face tends to work best. I’m also halfway committed to lipsticks. I do love good lipsticks but I would not be able to choose just one. I honestly think mascara can work wonders. It's perfect for the days I have to look like I’ve put in some effort but I really don’t have the time to put heaps of effort in.

What is the one exercise you cannot live without? Swimming. Although I enjoy most exercises at the gym, there's something so soothing about swimming. I haven’t been able to work out much since I jacked up my ankle but today I went for a swim. It was the most cleansing and cathartic thing I could have done today. Being in the water just manages to wash away all of my stress and worries.

There are probably a million more “what I cannot live without” prompts I could answer but I don’t want this post to get too boring. Now it’s your turn. What is one thing you cannot live without?

And until next time...

Stay Curious!

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  1. As of right now, my planner. It keeps me on track. When I don't have my planner around me I get a wee bit stressed. I have items color coded and do a lot of brain dumping in it.

    1. I definitely understand that. I tend to get anxiety if I don't have my planner around. There's just something about writing everything down instead of saving it in my phone.

  2. Ooh I just might have to do this one myself. Nice to read.

  3. Cellphone, mexican or chinese food and books to read.

  4. I love this! I can not live without my puppies and my husband (so cheesy but true haha) People that don't consider yoga pants/leggings pants are crazy lol.


    1. I know right? I could not imagine life without my pup. What kind of pups do you have?

  5. Lovely !! I cannot live without my phone ,books, pizza, my fav pair of jeans, ginger ale, black eye liner and walking :)

    1. OOO ginger ale. I miss Vernors so much. I can only find it at the American market and it's like $5/can

  6. Cheese and really good books! lol

    1. Both good things to never give up! What's your favourite book?

  7. Electronics... my phone. People... my kids. Coffee and chocolate! :-)

    1. I could definitely imagine it would be quite difficult to think of living without your kids! Thanks for stopping by :)

  8. This is terrible, but I immediately thought of technology nowadays! I have a love/hate relationship.

    1. It's crazy how much technology has taken over our lives but it is so nice to literally have the answer to almost everything at our fingertips.

  9. Wine, my family, and long hot showers :) Not necessarily in that order, of course haha

    1. Those are all great! A nice long hot shower can be such a great way to start or end the day!

  10. This is a great post! I felt like you were in my head in the beginning of your post when you were talking about writing.... I am going to challenge myself to start at doing 10 minutes in the morning stream of conscious writing every morning.
    And you and I are now friends.... because I too believe yoga pants are pants! They are the foundation!!! 😂

    1. That's a great challenge to do in the morning! And yes I completely agree, yoga pants are the foundation for all that is life. I'm very happy you agree!

  11. That is a difficult question to answer. I would struggle with it too. I would first separate wants from needs. People tend to get those confused. :)
