3 Simple Steps to Avoiding Jet Lag

Friday 10 August 2018
Travelling to a new country is exciting. The last thing anyone wants to do is spend the first few days of their trip struggling to adjust to their new time zone. Long haul travel can be especially hard to quickly adapt. Seats are small and uncomfortable. The person in 28A wants to get out and use the bathroom every 2 hours when you’re trying to get some sleep. If you’re like me, finances do not allow for a luxury first class seat on transoceanic flights (unless by God's graces I’ve managed to get an upgrade).

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After a lot of trial and error, so much error, I have finally found the solution to jet lag. I now have it down to a routine science. In the past, I would go a few days without sleeping, down a couple sleeping pills, and pray for the best. This NEVER worked for me. Relaxing in an economy seat when you’re 5’10” is not the easiest task. Over years of travelling, I've slowly started to find ways to make the trip less miserable.

STEP 1: Stay Awake!
This may seem entirely counter-productive, but it’s not! It’s important to check the time zone you’re flying into and sync your body to that time. One of the biggest struggles I have is ensuring I stay awake during the first 4 hours of the flight. Most of my trips from Australia to the US leave around midnight. I’m usually pretty dang tired by then. But I have to stay awake so that I sleep during the time zone appropriate hours. There’s a couple of ways I do this:
1. Watch a movie or a tv show.
2. Write a blog post or edit photos.
3. Aeroplane spa day (See Step 2).
4. Wait for the food because wine...duh!
All these things help keep me awake a little while longer and make sleep slightly more magical.

STEP 2: Spa de Aeroplane
Call me crazy. Give me all the dirty looks you like. But I WILL make the most out of my 14-hour hell on an airplane. This means taking care of myself. I don’t know about you, but my skin gets wrecked on a plane. I will walk off the plane with more cracks than a dried up lake bed. It’s not cute and makes me look exhausted even if I’m well rested.

So I created Spa de Aeroplane. TREAT YO SELF! I always bring: an essential oil (my current favourite is this fantastic good sleep blend), a face mask, and ultra-hydrating skin cream. I love putting the essential oil in a pair of moisturising socks and letting my feet heal and my body detox throughout the flight. Such heaven! Also….drink heaps of water!!!

Treat Yo Self Plane Edition!

STEP 3: The Vitamin Kick
I’ve literally tried everything under the sun. Not sleeping, melatonin, sleeping pills, anti-anxiety pills, etc. and NOTHING worked for me! NOTHING! I had seriously begun to accept the fact that jet lag would be a major part of any holiday.

I found a few ways to help combat jetlag utilising vitamins! First, it is beyond important that you stay hydrated. Flying sucks a lot of moisture out of your skin and dehydrates you. Dehydration is a surefire way to experience jetlag. I always travel with Hydraltye or Nuun as they come in a convienent little tub that I don't need to worry about surrendering when going through security.

Second, I always try to travel with either a strong multivitamin or a B-Complex vitamin. This helps to ensure my body is functioning throughout the day. If I absolutely need it, I'll sneek an endurance gel. I normally save these for my Spartan races but sometimes you just need the extra kick to keep going.

It may not be the most luxurious sleep or spa day but I swear, it helps so much! I used to be super self-conscious of the looks I would get when I put the face mask on. Now, I couldn’t care less. 14 hours in economy is never a picnic so why should I care what others think if I’m making those 14 hours a little less miserable?  I’ve used this method quite a few times, and every time I get to enjoy the most of my holiday. Give it a go the next time you travel overseas and let me know if it works for you!

Curious about what my 4th BONUS tip to travel comfort is? Be sure to subscribe to Adventures in Aussieland's mailing list to get access to my final tip as well as a free travel checklist!

Do you have other methods of kicking jet lag? Share them below!

And until next time...
Stay Curious!

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  1. Holy cow, i wish i could afford those! I haven't been on a plane since i was 12, so jet lag wasn't really the reason i went to check out the products after reading this. I've been looking into working as a flight attendant, so this caught my eye. But what brought me to the product page was just that i've been super laggy in general lately, and haven't been able to get myself back to a normal energy level, or sleep schedule for that matter.
    Seems worth it for the occasional flight though!

    1. I use them in my day to day life as well and they have been life savers! It is a bit pricey which is unfortunate but if I had to choose a go to one of the three I would definitely choose the endurance vitamin. I never get that crash during the day. Whilst I may feel tired, I don't go through the waves that I normally would if I had a coffee, energy drink, or other sugary treats.

  2. These are excellent tips. The staying awake is hard for me LOL even on an hour flight. I will keep these tips in mind on my next trip!

    1. I'm the exact opposite. I struggle to sleep on planes. I've really only been able to sleep during excessive turbulence.

  3. Wow, I have never thought of the spa. It sounds like something I can adapt. There's no fun having jet lag. Instead of enjoying the moments, freaking difference in body clock creeps in. Thanks for sharing. I would have to bring my lavender essential oil with me always.

    1. I felt funny the first couple of times I did it but now, I don't care. It seriously saves me every flight! Flying dehydrates you so much, finding something that works for your body is super important.

  4. Thanks for viewing up such excellent tips. I like this post, keep writing and give useful post.

  5. I always get jet lag. Never thought, there could be so many possible solutions to it. Thanks a lot for the tips, will certainly help a lot, next time, i decide to travel somewhere.

    1. There are so many options! Just have to find something that works best for you.

  6. What excellent tips!!! Haha! I love the idea of having some spa time on the plane! I am definitely doing the face mask on my next long haul flight! Staying hydrated and body well balanced with vitamins is always a good idea no matter when but especially on a long flight.

  7. Amazing pointers you have mentioned here. I like that you can have spa on the plane. Might need it more as I am the person who suffers from it. And not to mention eardrums get in pain, might help me distracted. Vitamins I always feel a great thing especially for long travels.

  8. These are indeed some good tips! Sometimes after a long flight, I still feel like my head is up in the sky...

  9. These are good tips, but I would avoid using essential oils on a plane, as they do smell quite strong. Some people might not like them and it can ruin the flight for them. My tip would be to drink plenty of water. I've always noticed how much that helps with jet lag.

    1. I've found a few drops in your socks or on the soles of your feet tend to not be so potent. It's more if you're spraying essential oils or burning them when the smell is over powering. But you definitely should be mindful of the people around you. Similar to when people wear strong perfumes on flights. I always dread that because it will trigger my migraines.

  10. Spa de Aeroplane is something I would definitely try during my next journey. I knew about sleeping according to destination time zone but I always find it tough to be awake during a flight. Great post. Loved it.

  11. I can never sleep in the plane anyway! When I went to New Zealand, I stayed awake all 36 hours, watches all the movies available but was still very jetlagged ahah! maybe 36h is just too much!

    1. OMG! I definitely feel you there. I've been unable to sleep on long haul flights in the past. Not sleeping for 36hrs will definitely make you very jet lagged. Give some of these a go and see if they help :)

  12. Oh man, I just hate jet lag. I'l keep this in mind for sure. Being tired at awkward times is the worst.

  13. trust jet lags are the worst when you travel with a 6 month old and a toddler. I was jet lagged for two weeks

  14. Excellent tips. For me, I try as much as possible to sync my body to the local time but sometimes it take a few days before my body adjusts.

  15. Jet lag is one thing that I couldn't avoid when travelling via plane. Well, I will follow your tips. I needed that

  16. Wow, I never thought of having a spa in the aeroplane. What a good idea. Thanks for the tips and I am doing to do it in my next travel.

  17. Thanks for sharing your anti-jetlag tips! I do seldom experience jetlag and when I do, I have to drink good orange juice.

  18. I just stumbled upon this blog today and not regretting spending even a minute of my reading time.

  19. I seldom get jet lags but when I do, it's usually those flights that take a few hours. Great tips! I usually keep myself busy with my phone.

  20. I also love staying awake when traveling. It joys me to see places and things along the way. Jet lag is really hard to avoid. I wish these tips work for me. Thanks!

  21. My friend says vitamins help her so much! The staying awake part I'm sure is hard!

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