Be A Winter Warrior! Running the Sandy Point Half Marathon

Tuesday 27 February 2018
Does anyone else find running during the winter a serious challenge? During summer, the beautiful, warm weather invites you into its gently breezing arms while you soak up the sunshine during your run. If you run during the winter, you get bitch slapped by the cold every step you take. With willpower slowly, or rapidly, depleting, how does one find the motivation to run during the colder times of the year?

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I was never a runner. Heck, I still wouldn't even call myself a runner. Every race I run in physically and mentally inflicts pain on me. But I continue to sign myself up for race after race. Why you may ask? Because it challenges me and forces me to continually better myself. I had run a handful of races during more pleasant weather, so I thought why not sign up for the Sandy Point Half Marathon. 

*In full disclosure, I did not actually run the half marathon. I only signed up for the 10K so still maintained a little bit of my sanity*

The easiest way to force yourself to sign up during the winter, SIGN UP FOR A RACE. It doesn't matter the length. Even a 5K can seem like a bloody marathon when you have icicles dangling from your eyelashes. The point is, you've already signed up and paid the money. Do not allow your warm, comfy blanket to entice you into spending money with zero follow through!

After you've given yourself the kick in the pants needed to sign up for a race, it's time to get some proper winter running clothes. DO NOT make my mistake. I ran in 8C without the mist and wind chill factor in a cotton t-shirt. I cannot stress enough that running in cotton is never a good time. 

I highly recommend something with cool-dry technology so that even when you sweat you stay nice and dry and warm. Invest in a decent pair of compression leggings and a long-sleeved top, and you'll never want to stop running! If you're in an even colder climate than Melbourne, layers are your friend. Rug up with a jacket, beanie, gloves, and those little hand warmers. 

I did not think this through properly

Now that you're prepped with your cool winter wardrobe, it time to vary up your runs. It's ok to run on the treadmill and elliptical but make sure you're running outside at least once a week, NO MATTER WHAT THE WEATHER IS. This will help prepare you for any forecast Mother Nature may send your way race day. 

Alright, you little winter warrior, you've got your clothes, you've prepped for your race, and now it's race day. Time to go out there and rock the heck out of the run and prove yourself to be a winter warrior! 

I don't think any preparation could have prepared me for how cold it was going to be race day. The mist from the ocean gently coating me like I was a popsicle that stayed in the freezer for too long was not my idea of a good day. But for some reason, the cold made me run faster. I was ready to get the race done and over with! Running with Archer also gives me an added boost of adrenaline to keep the pace up. 

To recap, when running during the winter:
1. Sign yourself up for a race. This will give your first boost of motivation.
2. Get yourself some good winter activewear.
3. Prepare, prepare, prepare

Do you prefer running during warmer or colder weather? Share your running stories in the comments below. 

And until next time...
Stay curious!

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  1. Wow! im def NOT one ha but would love to attempt it!

    1. Give it a go! Who knows, you may end up finding out you are!

  2. I'm not a runner at all. Lol I actually hate cardio.

    1. So do I but I still manage to push myself. I love obstacle course races so I need to bust out some solid cardio to actually make it to each obstacle lol.

  3. Good for you! I'm not a runner either, but I would like to do a 10k this year to ease myself back into it. These are awesome tips. I tend to run in layers so it's easy to take the pieces off during my run.

  4. I am not a runner, but damn I gotta give props to those who run in the winter outside!!!

  5. I am not a big runner but I do love taking walks.

  6. Such a great goal to go for! Thank you for the great tips.

  7. Amazing! Really really great job, I have been hoping to run a half marathon very soon.

  8. Just like above, I'm no runner! But I do think signing up is the best way to become one. Kudos to you and great tips!

  9. You go girl! I've never been big on running (in fact, I hate it! haha), but I've always wanted to get into it for some reason. Running a marathon is actually on my bucket list. So maybe I'll actually train for one sometime haha but I give you mad props for doing it in the winter!

    1. I hate it as well but I definitely keep pushing myself. I'm loving the challenge. I hope you get to run your marathon!

  10. I cant find myself running in a cold weather of winter. Im just too weak with the cold. But for some people its motivation for sure to sign up for a race.

    1. I struggle so much but I'm starting to get a bit better. Signing up for the races definitely helps

  11. That is seriously amazing! I'm not a runner, but it's a huge goal of mine to participate in a half marathon. By the way, your photo with the caption about not thinking it through made me chuckle. That is so me, I can completely relate!

    1. I hope you do participate in one! I just signed up for my first half marathon in July!

  12. Can I just walk really fast? LOL This is great advice, esp. for a beginner like me!

    1. Absolutely! I tend to switch up between running and walking because I am no runner.

  13. ooooh there is nothing i love more than setting off on a run really early, when it is too cold REALLY to be outside, about halfway through the sun comes up, and the second half of the run has that gorgeous warm glow to it!
    On point advice about the correct winter clothing - somehow running in 5 degrees in england isnt the same as 5 degrees in australia!
