How to Find Motivation When You Have None

Saturday 26 November 2016

This entire week I’ve tried so hard to have the motivation to do anything. Even the simplest tasks have been incredibly draining. I’ve found leaving the house to be a daunting, terrifying task. My bed and cuddles with my extremely cuddly puppy dog have been difficult to move away from. My trips to the gym are being cut shorter and shorter. Frankly, I’ve had enough. As I sat today at the gym trying to find the motivation actually to work out, I knew something needed to change. But where do I possibly start?

Throughout my life, I have had days (sometimes weeks or months) where I simply do not have the motivation to do anything. I wouldn’t go as far as to say that I’m lazy, but just sometimes my anxieties inhibit me from functioning normally. Working in mental health, I’ve been given the tools to be able to identify and help combat these fears, but often it is easier said than done. As my anxiety gets stronger, my motivation decreases. So how does one fight back and regain their motivation?

Remember to Breathe
This is the most important first step in regaining motivation. Whether it's a lack of motivation to go to the gym, the lack of motivation to complete an assignment or any other reason you have zero motivation, one MUST remember to breathe. Try breathing in for 4 seconds, holding that breath for 4 seconds, then exhaling for 6 seconds. This type of rhythmic breathing will help relax your mind and body. Struggling to focus on your breathing? I often like burning peppermint oil or lighting a candle to release a refreshing smell into the room.

Create a List
For some, this task can further decrease the lack of motivation because the list becomes overwhelming. For me, it helps me to prioritise what needs to be done and what can wait. Writing a list allows me to see what needs to be completed visually. I write them in order of importance. The positive reinforcement of being able to cross something off the list is incredibly gratifying.

Get Out of the House
Sometimes only leaving the house for a quick walk is enough to jump start my motivation. Leaving the house seem like too big of a task? Try leaving your room. Force yourself to walk to the kitchen or the lounge room. Maybe do a few walks up and down the hallway. This might be the hardest part of your day, but if you wrote “Get out of bed” on your list, you’ve now accomplished two amazing things!

Do Something That Makes You Happy
To some, this step may seem counterproductive, but that is not the case. For some, allowing yourself the freedom to choose an activity that you really enjoy is enough to spark your motivation. Try to stay away from watching your favourite TV show because this could lead to binge watching. Instead, take a bath, read a book, read a story, cook a meal, whatever it is that will bring you some happiness, do that thing!

For me, nothing is more relaxing than taking a drive to the beach and reading a good book. I recently took a trip to one of my favourite hidden gems of Melbourne and spent some time reading. The book of the day was Optimal Exposure, a great murder mystery that involved two of my favourite things: travel and photography. I especially love murder mysteries because it allows me to focus on the book and (temporarily) forget about what is going on in my life.

Give Yourself a Break
Sometimes no matter what you do, you simply won’t be able to find motivation. That’s ok. Everyone goes through various struggles throughout their life, and if you’re struggling, it’s ok. Give yourself a break. Allow yourself the time to lay in bed and do absolutely nothing. Just ensure it doesn’t go on for too long. If you didn’t accomplish everything you wanted throughout your day, just find time the following day. No worries! It will get done.

Finding motivation can be extremely challenging. If you’ve tried all of these tips and found nothing was successful, try using an accountability buddy. Sometimes working with someone who’s experiencing something similar will help get things done. What do you do find motivation?

And until next time...
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