Apps That Help You Earn a Little Extra Money!

Thursday 3 December 2015

It will happen to most at some point in a lifetime. The struggle to earn enough money. I feel this topic has become even harder for recent generations (including my own) to grasp. It has become an age of entitlement with little or no effort. We look at the exceptions to the rules as the actual rules. Frequently, when an individual works hard and makes money, their struggles are overlooked. I must admit, I've recently fallen into the category of "Why am I not making more money? I went to school/done my time". Realistically, I've been in my field for five years. FIVE YEARS! That is not sufficient time to earn my dues. After a lovely slap back to reality and a realisation that in my current job role I am not being challenged, I have been forced with the situation of:

"OH SHIT! I significantly decreased my hours at work, do not have a second job, and need to figure out how the heck to pay my bills!"

I've had to get a bit creative in earning additional income. I've been applying for jobs in a completely different field just to supplement income. <HELLO WAITRESSING> But as I have yet to be successful in receiving a call back from these external fields, I started looking into ways I could contribute more to my household. Here are some of the apps I've found:

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**Please note these apps do not supplement an actual salary. They do NOT make you rich. But do aid in a little extra support each month.**

1. Inbox Dollars
I used to use this service back when I was still in Uni (undergrad as I seem to be constantly studying). Basically, you get paid for answering surveys. Years ago, this site was horrible. It was very difficult to qualify for surveys, and you would put in heaps of time for minimal monetary value. I must say, I'm super impressed with this app now. You still have to reach the $30 minimum before a payout but reaching this minimum is heaps easier! The more surveys you take, the more money you get offered. If you used this app religiously, you probably could make a decent amount of money per month. I tend to take surveys while on the train or relaxing in the bathtub, so I'm not making heaps.

2. Field Agent
This app is freaking amazing if you live within Australia (I'm not sure if its available in other parts of the world). Basically, you can accept different task around the city and get paid to do them. For example, a recent task was a Red Bull fridge audit. You went to a specific market at a specific time, snapped a picture of the fridge, and answered some questions. Once completed you get money! Pretty simple right?!? Again I do not use this app that frequently but often look at the tasks close to my location and complete them from there. I do not believe there is a minimum payout for this app and there are constantly new tasks being uploaded!

3. Rabadaba
Whoever created this app, you're a freaking genius! Rabadaba is a social media app which pays you to be social. You can earn credits for posting content or upvoting/downvoting/sharing/commenting on others content. You select what you would like your minimum payout balance to be, and on the 15th of every month, you get paid (pending you reach your minimum balance). I've experienced some issues on the iOS system, but they're minor difficulties like not receiving notifications. However, the app creators are super helpful and normally respond to your inquiries within a few hours. Seriously, who wouldn't want to use this app? 

4. ONGO Surveys
This app pays you a bit more money per survey than Inbox Dollars. However, there aren't as many surveys posted. I'm not sure if it's just my location that limits my lack of surveys or if they genuinely do not offer a lot. There's is a minimum balance of $10 before you get your cash out. But they give the option of an Amazon gift card or money straight to your PayPal account.  If they posted more frequent surveys, I would probably use this app more so than Inbox Dollars.

5. Acorn Hunt
This is probably one of my least favourites but hey every little bit helps right? On this app, you get paid for taking surveys, downloading apps from the app store and running them, and watching ad videos. You need 4,000 acorns before you're able to redeem any rewards. I don't use it that frequently so I'm not 100% sure they actually pay out. Once I reach the minimum will I update as to whether you actually receive a payout!

6. Movie Money
With this app, you're definitely not going to see rewards quickly. You earn points by watching different ad videos that range anywhere from 15 seconds to 45 seconds. Major downside: you need 1200 points to redeem a payment but are LIMITED to 20 videos a day. Reaching the 20 video limit takes about 5 minutes to do so you're really not wasting the day away. But still...its a long time before you reap the benefits of this app. Looking at it from a positive perspective: why the heck am I complaining? I'm literally watching TV and making money screw if it's just a small amount.

7. TAP$
Like other apps, I haven't received a payout on this app to date so I will have to update this once I do. This is the most straightforward app anyone could hope for. If you have small children, hand them this app, and they will make you money. You literally push a button to earn points to receive a payout. You must tap this button an obscene amount of times but push it enough and BAM! MONEY! Can't sleep at night? Tap a button until your little mind drifts of into dreamland! Have a friend who likes aggressively pointing at everything? Smack your phone in front of their finger and let them make you money! It's pretty damn simple people....let's just hope I haven't been poking my phone for no good reason!

When I first started using all of these apps, I got a bit frustrated that the payouts weren't easier to obtain. After a nice self-check-in I realised, I'm LITERALLY putting in minimal effort, WHY SHOULD I EXPECT TO BE MAKING LOTS OF MONEY?!?! It was a flawed thought of mine. I know I'm not going to become rich from these apps. I have no intention of using these apps as my sole source of income. It's simply a measure to help keep my finances stable for the time being. Feel like making a little extra holiday cash? Want some more spending money for a holiday? Give these apps a go. Some of them are actually heaps of fun! 

Have you used any of these apps before? Let me know about your experiences in the comments below. Have another app that you love to use to earn a little extra dough? Share it in the comments! 

And until next time...
Stay curious!


  1. I used to have an Inbox acct. years ago, so I'm not sure if it is still active. As for Rabadaba you 101% correct!! Who ever created this app is a genius! I absolutely love it & spend whatever free time I can on it. As for the other apps you mentioned, some I've heard of....some I haven't. I will definitely check them out because like you said money, ANY amount big or small is still more money then you had before. Thank you for sharing these money making apps. I truly appreciate it

    1. Rabadaba is definitely my favourite and most used of all these apps. It has an amazing community and all the members are incredibly supportive :)

  2. aaaw girl!! thank you so much for this blog! Really it will help many people to earn a little extra money using these apps :D I only know Rabadaba, but I'll try the others. Thank you (K)

    1. Let me know what you think of the other apps. I've definitely found Rabadaba to be my favourite!

  3. I have tried Inbox but I'm too impatient to continue with it. I love RABADABA tho and I think it's the best app in the list. I have also used OnGo and have been paid once but that was a while ago. I haven't been successful with it since. As for the rest I haven't tried but maybe I will. I have nothing else to do. Haha. That's if I can tear myself away from RABADABA. 😜 As for what I do to earn extra income, I do surveys. Have you tried Opinion Outpost. You try and qualify for surveys, which is pretty easy and when you get 1000 points you can cash out for $10 in PayPal. I also participate in Inspired Opinions. They email you when they have focus groups or telephone/web surveys you can try and qualify for. I've made a bunch with them!! There's also PineCone Research where they email you surveys and you can either get free products to try or $3 per survey you complete. Now I am in the US so I'm not sure if they will work where you are but hey, it's worth finding out, right?
    Anyway, hope I've helped you in some way as you have me!! Thank you again for an amazing post!!

    1. Thanks heaps for those suggestions Jennifer! I haven't tried any of the ones you mentioned but I'll definitely look into it!

  4. Great list, I haven't heard of some of these apps! Downloading #1 and #2 right now! Rabadaba is obviously amazing, but acorn hunt was such a pain in the butt... Lol I used to have that app but never got to cash out. I ended up just deleting it.

    1. Yea I don't use Acorn Hunt regularly but I've found that I gain points fairly quickly with sporadic use. Rabadaba is definitely my favourite out of the lot.

  5. I love this article! Thank you for trying each of these and the honest review. I have tried InboxDollars in the past but I didn't really work it. I'm not really good at doing surveys and paying attention. I do love rabadaba also. I am working on my third payout at this app. I also have had some notification issues but nothing that stops me from earning money! I'm really encouraged and will continue working because I've developed friendships too. I'm going to go and try a couple of these other ones just to see for myself. Thanks a lot.

    1. I've found with some of the updates Inbox Dollar is either awesome or just meh. I think one of my favourite things about Rabadaba is how involved with creators are within the community. It is incredibly refreshing to see the admins work so hard!

  6. I have tried all apps but nothing is better than Rabadaba

  7. I have tried inbox dollars but didn't have much success. I use swagbucks and recipe pal/hog and of course Rabadaba!

  8. A useful list! Personally the only one I have used is Rabadaba. A great App that pays you to be social. pays ontime every month, highly recommended, I also use Univote, where you vote on questions and pays daily to PayPal ! TengoLoTodo

    1. I've never heard of Univote before. I'll have to check it out!

  9. I tried few apps from the list like inbox dollars, info surveys and Rabadaba. But I must say that Rabadaba is one of the best in among them all because first 2 Apps is not given that much effort in India they given less surveys or sometimes they only giving 1 or 2 offer in 2 weaks that's why I have to say Rabadaba is best and yea I will also check out other apps Aswell on your list👏👍 nice work by the way😊👌

  10. Thank you for sharing with us. I have been using Rabadaba for quite some time now, I do enjoy and have made some good amount. I'll check out some others as you have suggested. Thanks

  11. Great list!! I use both Rabadaba & Inbox Dollars &I really enjoy both of those! Some other ones I love are Qriket, Swagbucks, Bing Rewards & the Pact app!! I like Qriket because I love that it is a game of luck! I have currently about $18.60 that I have made with that app which isn't much but you don't do much to earn it! With Swagbucks I have made around $450-$500 over about 2 years time! I use it for surveys & watching videos!! I use Bing as my search engine on my laptop & my phone & usually pocket an easy $5 a month!! I started using Pact App a couple months ago & use both the veggie & gym pacts & make around $3.50-$4.50 a week by meetin my goals!! Hugs, Jes

  12. One of my favorites and most lucrative is "Make Money" which is of the trying out apps variety, but I've cashed out over $30 in about 5 months, not too bad. And don't forget Qriket! I just made the minimum and received my first payout (referral 521FA6 for 25 spins to get you started!). Inbox dollars I've also had good luck with, and of course Rabadaba!

  13. Great post! Awesome apps. 😊

  14. I haven't tried any of them before to be honest. Just after I read them from here. But right now I'm using rabadaba and Big Time. Really greats apps thet lets you earn money! ������

  15. I have tried all applications but nothing is better than Rabadaba.. I'm using Tsu and Univote to earn some little extra money too..

  16. I've never tried SuperPayMe. I'll definitely look into it! Thanks for the suggestion.

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