Can You Really Control Your Own Mental Health?

Thursday, 12 May 2022

One of the questions that you have got to ask yourself when your mental health feels like it’s slipping is whether or not you can control it on your own. This doesn’t mean literally on your own without anyone around you, your support network is important! It means being able to identify what skills you already have that can support your mental wellbeing. It can take time to find out what is going to support us when we're feeling low but that doesn't mean you shouldn't try. Keep reading down below if you would like to find out more.

Reach Out For Help

Often, when we're experiencing mental health challenges it can feel incredibly isolating and lonely. We may feel like a burden to those around us or we may even struggle to get out of bed. Sometimes, it may be taboo in our culture to discuss our mental health. This is where reaching out for professional support might be a good fit. 

Professional help, whether face-to-face, online, or through an app, can help us to identify our positive coping strategies that we already have access to. It can be hard to remember some of the things in our lives that help us feel better when we're struggling. Talking this through in a safe environment can be especially helpful. 

Try Something New

Have you given much thought to trying new things that you haven’t done before? New experiences are either going to show us something new that we enjoy, or they are going to show us something that we don’t like, but either way we will know for sure. It might not seem like a good idea in case it goes badly, but it’s still one of the best ideas out there. You need to be open to new things, as the way things are going right now clearly aren’t doing any wonders for your mental state.

For example, we know that it’s not for everyone, but you could always look into going to cbd bars and giving this a go. Some people say that it helps them to feel more relaxed and better about themselves, so it’s worth a try. Other things that you can try include drinking special types of tea, taking up a new hobby, reading a book and so much more. Before you trial any new thing, it is important to talk with your doctor as there may be some unwanted side effects you were not expecting. Sometimes, it can make your mental health worse so it's always best to be safe and ask.

Exercise Often

Exercise is good for the mind as well as the body, and that is what a lot of people don’t seem to understand. It’s not just physical fitness that exercise is important for, but also mental and emotional. When you exercise, your body releases some of the tension that it has been holding onto, which will immediately make you feel better. As well as this, when you exercise your body also releases endorphins which are natural mood enhancers and painkillers. Even if it’s just for a little while, you’re bound to feel better.

Exercise doesn’t have to mean hitting the gym seven days per week if you do not want it to be. You can go for a walk that is as long as you want, or you can swim in the pool for a little while. You have got a lot of options here, as long as you are getting your body moving, that is all that matters.

Talk About Your Feelings

One of the things that people often do when they feel their mental health declining is to avoid talking about how they are feeling. This is done for a number of reasons, one of them being that they don’t want to feel as though they are a burden to those around them. It’s important that you don’t do this, and instead you let those feelings out. Trust us when we say that the people who love and care about you will listen to the same problems over and over if this is what you need them to do.

Talking about your feelings is healthy, and if you don’t do this, all that is going to happen is that one day you are going to explode.

Don’t Isolate Yourself

The final thing that we are going to mention is that you should not be isolating yourself from those around you. We know that this is likely your natural inclination to hide away, but you will only make yourself worse. Instead of doing this, stay around people as much as you can, as this will usually force you to do other things rather than sit and let yourself get worked up further.

You need to continue to do your regular daily activities as much as you can and this means continuing to do things with friends as often as you usually would. If you feel yourself struggling, get some company.

We hope that you have found this article helpful, and  now see some of the things that you need to think about when it comes to supporting your own mental health. Sometimes, you will be able to manage by yourself, as long as you keep doing the things that you know will help, even when it’s hard. We wish you the very best of luck, and hope that you manage to keep your mental health under control.

If you're struggling and want extra support, you can contact Lifeline at 13 11 14 or by text on 0477 13 11 14 any time.

And until next time...

Stay Curious!

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