4 Ways to Take the ‘Routine’ Out of Your Fitness Routine

Saturday, 3 April 2021

It can happen to any of us. We begin a fitness routine with good intentions but when it becomes too routine, by which we mean something of a chore, we can quickly tire of what we are doing. At that point, we can be tempted to call it quits!

As you will understand, calling it quits isn't something to consider. Keeping on top of our fitness levels is important, for both our physical and mental wellbeing, so when our workouts do become boring, we should make changes.

When it comes to your workouts, consider the following if you are starting to become bored with what you are currently doing.

#1: Sign up for a fitness class

If you're tired of working out alone, you could consider a fitness class. Admittedly, this isn't as easy as it sounds with the pandemic situation, although there are places where socially distanced outdoor classes are taking place. The benefit of a class is obvious: You will have a fitness teacher to motivate you. You will also learn a variety of new techniques, and these will come in handy when you're working out alone. Being with other people is also a motivator as you might make new friends and have opportunities to engage in friendly competition with some of them. In short, it could be fun. This leads us onto the next point.

#2: Do something that you consider fun

Your fitness routine doesn't have to be boring! Do something that is active but enjoyable for you, such as the fitness class we mentioned previously or a sport that you are interested in. You could also take up dance classes or martial arts. Or what about Zumba, tai chi, or yoga? These are all enjoyable ways to get fit and boredom shouldn't be a problem. So, have a look online for activities that are happening near you and sign up for anything that might kick the boredom you have been experiencing into touch. 

#3: Try a new piece of gym equipment

Many gyms are closed at the time of writing but when they do start to open again, don't fall into the trap of using the same equipment week in and week out. The treadmill is great for your cardio, for example, but this is one piece of equipment that can get monotonous. Try the rowing machine or stair climber or any other piece of gym equipment that can add variety to your gym session. Consider the same for your home gym. Buying something new can be expensive we know, but there are places where second-hand equipment can be bought so browse the various fitness stores online. 

#4: Keep fit with a friend

Not only will a friend add to the 'fun factor' of your workout sessions but they will keep you accountable too. When you feel like giving up, they should motivate you out of your slumber and give you a reason to put your training shoes on. They might also have workout ideas that you have never considered, so if you can find a fitness buddy, schedule time to meet up with them.

So, if you're sat on the sofa today feeling less than enthusiastic about working out, consider these suggestions. You will benefit both your health and your happiness levels if you do, so motivate yourself to try something different. 

And until next time...

Stay curious!

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