Before the start of the new year, my booty got one of the craziest ideas. Throughout the entire year of 2020, I would run 2020kms. Simple right? My maths inhibited brain did some (rather poor) mental math and concluded this goal was completely attainable. I started to question whether or not it would actually be that challenging. So like any sane person, I signed myself up for the 2020 challenge except in miles. For my metric system loving readers, this meant I need to run 3,250.9 km throughout the entire year.
Y'all I have no bloody clue what I was thinking! This roughly equates to 10 km per day! When you're working full time in a sedentary role, those km are hard to come by. You may now be asking yourself, "how in the heck are you going to manage that throughout the entire calendar year?". Like most of my crazy challenge ideas, I've broken my approach into more manageable, achievable goals. Here are my tips for tackling the 2020 challenge.
Y'all I have no bloody clue what I was thinking! This roughly equates to 10 km per day! When you're working full time in a sedentary role, those km are hard to come by. You may now be asking yourself, "how in the heck are you going to manage that throughout the entire calendar year?". Like most of my crazy challenge ideas, I've broken my approach into more manageable, achievable goals. Here are my tips for tackling the 2020 challenge.