5 Ways Travel Can Completely Enrich Your Life

Wednesday, 9 December 2020

Sometimes in life, you simply want a vacation that allows you to relax and recharge the batteries. That is fine. Still, as society has developed, an increasing number of holidaymakers seek trips that will enhance their futures. The great news is that those opportunities are greater than ever.

No two people are the same, but most people share fairly similar aspirations for how to enhance their lives. Here are five ways travel can deliver the answers you crave.


6 Must See Places in Egypt

Wednesday, 28 October 2020

Egypt has something to offer everyone. Apart from fascinating, historic treasures that date back to some of the earliest civilizations, it is home to tombs, ancient Pharaohs, pyramids, and temples that will dazzle you. With vast desert tracts, the famous River Nile, and even some incredible scuba diving spots, you will have a lot to see and do during your tour. Egypt is perfect for a variety of activities related to adventure, relaxation and culture. Here are some of our top picks of must-visit locations on your next trip to Egypt.

6 Must See Locations in Egypt


How to Spend 24 Hours in San Francisco

Friday, 9 October 2020

San Francisco is still one of my favourite cities in the world. No matter how many places I've travelled, there is something about SF that will forever hold my heart. There is so much to do, so much to see. I honestly feel like even if I lived there, I would not be able to take in all the incredible places the city has to offer.

I'm not going to lie, this post is going to cover a lot of touristy areas of San Francisco. If touristy places aren't your jam, make sure to check out some of our other posts on San Francisco. However, if you've never been to San Francisco, and you only have 24 hours to spend, I've come up with a fun itinerary that will allow you to hit some of the most iconic spots of SF. 


What to See When in Delhi, India

Friday, 2 October 2020

India is a country full of such rich culture and history. As it is an incredibly large country, one could easily spend months exploring. However, if your time is limited, you may choose to stick to Northern India. Even just exploring Delhi, one could easily spend weeks. It can be hard to figure out what to visit especially when your time may be limited. Here are some of my must-sees to help make your Indian holiday incredible. 

What to See When Exploring Delhi, India


8 Things to Do in Koh Larn

Friday, 11 September 2020

There are a number of stunning islands in Thailand. In fact, Thailand is quite infamous for its southern islands. However, that doesn't mean that there aren't incredible islands just south of Bangkok. If your trip to Thailand doesn't allow the time to go to the South Islands, do yourself a favour and book a trip to Koh Larn (sometimes called Ko Lan).

Less than 2 hours from Bangkok (depending on your mode of transport) Koh Larn is the closest island. Perfect for a shorter trip. As boats depart from Pattaya daily, it's easy to squeeze this island getaway into any holiday. But if the convenience isn't enough to convenience you to visit Koh Larne, here are my top reasons to add Koh Larn to your Thailand travel plans. 


5 Reasons to Visit Cambodia

Friday, 4 September 2020
Sometimes it can be challenging to narrow down where your next adventure will take you. I've travelled around a lot of South East Asia, but I instantly fell in love with Cambodia. In Cambodia, you'll find beautiful scenery, exquisite ancient architecture, and incredible food. Whether you love to relax at the beach, explore hidden temples, or party your booty off, Cambodia has a little something for everyone. In case you weren't quite convinced, here are 5 spectacular reasons why you should visit Cambodia:


How to Travel Australia on a Budget

Friday, 28 August 2020
Australia, the land that is both adorable whilst simultaneously trying to kill you. If you've been following along the Adventures in Aussieland journey, you'll know Australia is not the cheapest country to visit. Depending on your country of origin, an Aussie holiday can set you back quite a bit. However, this doesn't always have to be the case. There are plenty of ways to travel around Australia and not break the bank. We've done the work to help you plan the most affordable Aussie holiday so you can spend more time relaxing and enjoying this fabulous country.


The Great Barrier Reef: A Bittersweet Holiday Trip

Saturday, 22 August 2020
For as long as I can remember, I dreamt about visiting Cairns and scuba diving at the Great Barrier Reef. I remember seeing the most vibrant images of the reef growing up. As I've always felt quite at peace scuba diving in the depths of the ocean, why would I deprive myself of diving in one of the most famous dive locations in the world? I knew the reef wasn't going to be as bright, vibrant and full of life as the pictures I saw as a child, but I don't think I was adequately prepared for the section of the reef I explored. 


Road Trip Ideas for Touring Australia

Friday, 17 July 2020
When most people think of a road trip, they tend to think of a staycation of some kind, but a road trip can be a brilliant way to explore a country you are less familiar with or a chance to spend a weekend away on a vacation adventure. Australia is an excellent choice for a road trip. The highways are long and straight and in good condition. Not only that there are so many places to visit, but you will also likely need to return in the future. 


Finding the Best Transportation Methods to Get Across Australia

Thursday, 25 June 2020
It’s no secret that Australia is a massive country. While this place is large, though, the vast majority of it is covered with land that very little has been done with. You can travel for hundreds of miles without seeing another person, and most tourists choose to stick to the coast when they are in the land of Aus. Of course, though, you may not want to do this and will need to figure out the best transport methods to get yourself across the massive piece of land. To help you out with this, this post will be exploring the best forms of transport to use when you’re travelling across Australia.


What to Do to Relax Your Mind and Body

Saturday, 13 June 2020
Relaxing sounds like the easiest thing in the world, right? But most of us know only too well than when you try to do it in practice, it’s anything but. There are so many things going on around you in the world and lots of pressures and responsibilities that pile up. And with all that on you remind, relaxing your body and your mind becomes very difficult indeed. Here are some of the tips and ideas that might help you to do this better.

13 Misconceptions Americans Hold About Australia

Friday, 27 March 2020
A few weeks back we tackled 13 Misconceptions Australians Hold About Americans. So naturally, it's only fair we address the reverse. Whilst, albeit, the misconceptions towards Americans lean in a more negative tone, this list will show that Aussie stereotypes are not without fault. We're putting some of the most common misconceptions to the test and finding out just how true they are. 


How to Beat the Quarantine Blues

Friday, 20 March 2020
With most countries around the world starting to go into lockdown, it wouldn't be unreasonable for people to feel anxious and apprehensive. The lack of control, the fear, it can get to anyone. So what happens if you're in one of the countries who has placed a "shelter in place" order? What in gods green earth are you supposed to do to pass the time? I mean, it's one thing to choose to remain indoors for 14 days. It's an entirely different ball game when you're forced to stay indoors for 14 days. Don't worry, we've come up with 31 ways to help pass the time and beat the quarantine blues. 

**This post may contain affiliate links. I receive a small commission from each purchase at no additional cost to you. All opinions are 100% my own**

13 Misconceptions Australians Hold About the US

Friday, 6 March 2020
When you hear anything about the US, what images pop into your mind? The past few years, the US hasn't exactly had the best reputation internationally. But I'm not going to dive into that can of worms in this post. Instead, I'm going to try and break some of the misconceptions Australians hold towards US citizens.

I always love having conversations with people about my home country. It can be quite entertaining to hear some of the things they think happen in the US. We as people are swift to judge and it doesn't always paint places in the best light. So let's tackle some of these misconceptions and try to understand where some of these myths came from. 


7 Weight Loss Tips You Should Avoid

Friday, 28 February 2020
It's still relatively early in the year, which means some people are still on their weight loss journey new years resolution. It seems like every time you open social media, there is a new weight loss product, a new weight loss diet, or changes to what we know about food in general. With all the misinformation going around, it can be hard to know what in the world we actually should be doing. 

Now, let me preface this post by stating, I am not a nutritionist, physical trainer, nor do I hold degrees in biology, kinesiology, or anything relating to physical health. The tips I'm sharing are solely on my own health and wellbeing mistakes as well as information that has been given to me by actual professionals. So take it with a grain of salt or trust my word, it's up to you. 

Trying to up your overall wellbeing but have no idea what advice to listen to, I have some times on what weight loss advice you should absolutely avoid. 

8 Amazing Inclusive Activities in Melbourne

Friday, 21 February 2020
Summer break can be a fun and exciting time. School break means getting to spend quality time with your little ones. However, for some, the summer break can be nerve-wracking. Neurodiverse families often struggle with the increase in crowds, noises, and sensory input this time of the year. It can be quite isolating for these families. 

Thankfully, Melbourne is taking steps to make the summer break more inclusive for all families! Several local activities are perfect for all families and all abilities. Here are some of our favourites:

**Please note, due to the fires in Victoria it may not be safe to access some of the activities mentioned. Please make sure you do your research before taking your family to any of these suggestions. If you haven't already, download the VicEmergency app to keep yourself informed**

7 Reasons You Shouldn't Be Afraid to Tackle a Spartan Race

Friday, 14 February 2020
Exercise, the one word that many people living in a western country either love or hate. It can be quite a divisive word. People are proud of the fact they do not exercise whilst others find extreme power and pride in the exercise routine. Regardless of whether you're the former or the later, most people shudder at the idea of running a Spartan race.  

But y'all, Spartans really aren't as unattainable as you think! Can you walk/run 5kms? If so, you can probably do a Spartan. Now I know that statement will cause people to absolutely LOSE THEIR SH*T, Spartans are by no stretch easy, BUT they are 100%, absolutely, attainable. Your biggest obstacle is your own mind! So whether you think I'm batsh*t crazy, lying through my teeth, or spot on, here are my reasons why you shouldn't be afraid to give a Spartan race a go. 


All-Inclusive Resorts: Are They Worth It?

Friday, 7 February 2020
Let's be honest, I'm very much a budget traveller. But as I've started getting older, I've found, on occasion, I much prefer convenience over saving a little bit of money. However, for some reason, I was never drawn to all-inclusive resorts. 

All-inclusive resorts typically include all your meals and beverages within the rate. Occasionally, these rates will also include activities around the resort. This can take the hassle out of trying to find the perfect restaurant within budget. But are they really worth it?

Recently, I had my first all-inclusive resort experience. Here are some of the pro's and con's I found about staying in the resort. Now, a small caveat: I have only ever stayed in one all-inclusive resort. My opinions are solely based on this. I'm sure not all resorts are the same. 


The 2020 Challenge: Running 2020 Miles in a Year

Friday, 31 January 2020
Before the start of the new year, my booty got one of the craziest ideas. Throughout the entire year of 2020, I would run 2020kms. Simple right? My maths inhibited brain did some (rather poor) mental math and concluded this goal was completely attainable. I started to question whether or not it would actually be that challenging. So like any sane person, I signed myself up for the 2020 challenge except in miles. For my metric system loving readers, this meant I need to run 3,250.9 km throughout the entire year. 

Y'all I have no bloody clue what I was thinking! This roughly equates to 10 km per day! When you're working full time in a sedentary role, those km are hard to come by. You may now be asking yourself, "how in the heck are you going to manage that throughout the entire calendar year?". Like most of my crazy challenge ideas, I've broken my approach into more manageable, achievable goals. Here are my tips for tackling the 2020 challenge. 


Where Did Adventures in Aussieland Go? And Why It Won't Happen Again

Friday, 24 January 2020
2019 was not the year for consistency here at Adventures in Aussieland. Let's be honest, if you've been a reader since the inception of this blog, consistency has never really been my thing. I know, I know. In the blogging world, that's just not how it's done. Consistency and predictability for my readers are essential.